Can drinking smoothies really make you healthier?

Health drinks such as smoothies and alike have taken our nation by storm. They are supposed to be an excellent way of getting that all important 5-a-day and packed with health-giving antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Knowing that you are being healthy is one thing but do these drinks actually make a difference to the way you feel in your everyday life? Armed with a juicer, recipe book and a fridge full of fruit and veg I pledge to drink at least 2 of these concoctions a day...

Sunday, April 01, 2007

So many choices...

My book of recipes (Juices & Smoothies by Hamlyn) is divided into sections - classic smoothies, tropical teasers, veggie juices, citrus juices, breakfast in a glass, here's to good health and hi-energy boosters.
Naturally, as it was morning I went straight to the breakfast section and went for one called 'berry nice' so I cut and prepared; 2 bananas, 200g raspberries, 125g blueberries, cranberry juice. Sounds delicious right? Wrong, very wrong in fact. The texture was thick and sloppy and the taste, well lets just say I couldn't drink more than two mouthfuls! Rating 1/5
A juicer works by squeezing with great force and discarding any residential pulp, so after using it you are left with a mushy mess and you have to clean it straight away to prevent bacteria developing - not so good for my health! As these juices contain no fibre or pulp it apparently contains all the goodness with no hard-to-digest fibre the nutrients are readily absorbed by the body for almost instant use.
Since I was still hungry I decided to make a different one (after the boring process of cleaning out the juicer) and decided upon 'kiwi quencher'. This one is a strange mix; 1 kiwi, 100g grapes, 2 CELERY sticks, 1/2 lemon. I think I put too much celery in but at least I managed to drink this one! Rating 2/5

Many health scientists, nutritionists and my mum say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, revving up your metabolism and keeping your energy levels up throughout the day. Smoothies are an excellent start to the day and despite my doubts, I did actually feel more energised and generally more bouncy today.
A veggie drink? I was very sceptical but I gave the 'green light' on this one; 100g broccoli, 1 small apple and 100g cucumber. It was light green in colour and tasted mostly of apple with a cooling cucumber undertone. Rating 4/5.

Each day I will be giving things a score out of 5. Energy levels applies to how my energy was throughout the day, effort is how easy it was to prepare the produce, and clean the juicer, benefits will include things like hair & skin condition, weight loss etc.

Today's Ratings (out of 5)
Energy levels: 4
Effort: 3
Benefits: 1


Matt Olney said...

Sounds delicious... ya

Anonymous said...

A fried breastfast at the union usually does it for me...

Loubylou said...

I like the idea (especially about the weight loss) but is it quite expensive to do?

Jasmin said...

If you stick to drinking them twice a day instead of meals I don't think it is that expensive although the juicer itself was a bit pricey!

Anonymous said...

Good words.