Can drinking smoothies really make you healthier?

Health drinks such as smoothies and alike have taken our nation by storm. They are supposed to be an excellent way of getting that all important 5-a-day and packed with health-giving antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Knowing that you are being healthy is one thing but do these drinks actually make a difference to the way you feel in your everyday life? Armed with a juicer, recipe book and a fridge full of fruit and veg I pledge to drink at least 2 of these concoctions a day...

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Lose those extra pounds

Jordan (aka Katie Price) lost 2 stone in 3 months on one of the Juice Master's (Jason Vale's) diets and according to an article in the Manchester Evening News the Juice Master himself weighed 15 stone at his heaviest and he claims juicing is what helped him become healthier and lose weight.
So how did Jordan do it? Well, after giving birth to her second son, Junior she wanted to get her figure back, fast. She managed to lose the weight in an incredibly short three months. Jordan puts her speedy weight-loss down to swapping some meals with vitamin packed juices which she makes at home.
She said: ‘I’m eating avocados, pineapple, spinach and celery sticks, all mixed together. It sounds revolting but it’s delicious.’ She drinks the juice twice a day and then eats chicken or fish with vegetables or salad in the evening. She’s also stopped eating carbs which has helped to shift the pounds.
Jordan combined her ‘juice diet’ with plenty of exercise and worked out with a trainer three times a week. As well as helping her to lose weight she also believes that the juicing has helped banish any signs of orange-peel skin.

The 'Jordan' Smoothie
¼ Cucumber; 1 stick of celery; ½ small pineapple, peeled and chopped; Handful of spinach leaves; ¼ lime, peeled; 4 golden Delicious apples, chopped; Flesh of ½ ripe avocado; Small hand full of ice

How to make the smoothie
Juice the cucumber, celery, pineapple, spinach, lime and 3 1/2 apples. Place the avocado and remaining 1/2 apple in a blender, together with the juice mixture and ice. Give a good whiz for 45 seconds. Pour into a glass and serve.

This smoothie is loaded with the 6 essential dietary needs. The avocado provides fibre, good fat and protein. The smoothie is packed with loads of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants to nourish your body. Sounds tasty doesn't it (I think not).

I personally don't want a figure like Jordan's and am a very happy, curvy 10/12 so I won't be down the gym three times a week, but I did try her smoothie. I had it in place of lunch because I think it's a meal in itself. It wasn't bad actually, although I would've left out the spinach. It was sweet enough and not too thick and it did fill me up, but I don't think I could eat this every day instead of lunch. You would have to be very committed to losing weight to do that. Rating 3/5
This is worth serious consideration if you are thinking of using the juice diet, Ursula Arens, registered dietician at the British Dietetic Association says "You can't delude yourself that throwing your three oranges, one banana and an apple into a blender means that you have had your recommended five a day. "Yes, it's a contribution to our fruit and vegetables but it should never be instead of any fruit and vegetables you should have.
"And remember that smoothies also pack in a lot of calories. Water is zero but a big glass of a smoothie is usually around 200-300 calories." So if, like me you aren't replacing meals with them you could risk gaining weight!

Breakfast was very 'mystic mango' with a juice made of green grapes, fennel and mango. Fennel is very pungent and stunk out the whole of the kitchen and has a aniseed taste to it. Strange to put it with mango and grapes as they are so nice! Rating 3/5
As we're on the topic of weight loss, I can't say I have noticed any great differences in my weight. This may be because I'm only replacing breakfast with a juice. I am feeling more energetic though which is making me more active and I've definitely got more 'get up and go'.

Today's Rating (out of 5)
Energy: 5
Hassle: 5

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