Can drinking smoothies really make you healthier?

Health drinks such as smoothies and alike have taken our nation by storm. They are supposed to be an excellent way of getting that all important 5-a-day and packed with health-giving antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Knowing that you are being healthy is one thing but do these drinks actually make a difference to the way you feel in your everyday life? Armed with a juicer, recipe book and a fridge full of fruit and veg I pledge to drink at least 2 of these concoctions a day...

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Hangover cure

Hangovers are caused by two things: the toxicity of excess alcohol and dehydration. The symptoms are usually a dry mouth, nausea, fatigue, dizziness and headache and are caused by a combination of these factors. The easiest way of banishing a hangover is to flush out the alcohol from your system by drinking plenty of liquids, and to raise your energy levels by having some quick nourishment (not an all-day breakfast, sorry). A fresh juice combination is ideal for doing this, and can replace the vitamins B1 (thiamine) and C which are depleted by alcohol. So go for juices which contain some, or all if you like, of the following; pineapple, mango, tangerines, guava, carrots, kale leaves or cucumber.

The online breathalyser and BAC calculator RU Pissed? suggests a number of hangover 'remedies' which include cold pizza, coke and coffee. These probably aren't so good but they do suggest a few cocktails to get you feeling more lively after a night on the town.

Aunt Emma's Hangover Cocktail - 1 large can of tomato juice, 3 Tablespoons vinegar, 1 lemon, 4 slices of onion, 3 Tablespoons of sugar, 4 stalks of celery, 2 teaspoons of Tabasco sauce, salt and pepper to taste.
Mix ingredients in a container, let stand overnight. Strain and serve.

Good luck to anyone who is willing to try the above cocktail, i am certainly not brave enough to try that today and I haven't even got a hangover!

Instead, this morning I was a real 'live wire', helped by the juices from 2 oranges, 1 red apple, 1 pear and a teaspoon of clear honey. This was very sweet but refreshing at the same time and it tasted mostly of oranges. Rating 4/5

Again I didn't have time for another juice and I did a terrible thing - I left the pulp in the juicer overnight because I totally forgot about it! This is not a good idea because when you come to clean it the next day the pulp has gone solid and you really have to scrub to get it clean again and you also risk staining the juicer if you juiced anything like beetroot or carrot.

Todays Ratings (out of 5)

Energy: 5 Hassle: 5 Benefits: 3

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