Can drinking smoothies really make you healthier?

Health drinks such as smoothies and alike have taken our nation by storm. They are supposed to be an excellent way of getting that all important 5-a-day and packed with health-giving antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Knowing that you are being healthy is one thing but do these drinks actually make a difference to the way you feel in your everyday life? Armed with a juicer, recipe book and a fridge full of fruit and veg I pledge to drink at least 2 of these concoctions a day...

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Detox your life

Just think how much time you spend cleaning and looking after your external body. Skin is thoroughly washed, scrubbed and moisturised, hair is shampooed and conditioned, teeth are brushed and flossed day and night, tired eyes might get a couple of slices of cucumber on them to soothe or add sparkle.
As clean appearance is so vitally important to most of us, shouldn't it follow that we spend time ensuring that are internal bodies are also cleansed and rested on a regular basis? You can use juice to help you on the way to 'good inner health'.
The average modern lifestyle has its advantages, but it also has its down side too. Pollution, poor diet, too much alcohol, smoking and stress can all contribute to a build-up of toxins in our bodies and a sluggish metabolism. Fatigue, blemishes, lacklustre hair, dull skin and eyes can all be signs that we need to eliminate toxins, rest and refresh our hard-working bodies.
A regular juice detox plan can help you cleanse the blood and tissues of toxins, while providing essential nutrients for distribution around the body. Juices are particularly effective in cleansing the digestive system and the main organs of elimination: the liver, kidneys, digestive system and colon. It will also replenish existing stocks of nutrients in the body while having a strong alkalising effect. We should be more alkaline than acid, but over-acidity occurs in many of us because we eat too much protein, and sweet, fatty and processed foods. This has been linked to a weakening of the immune system, fatigue, and the overgrowth of the parasitic yeast candida albicans. Luckily, juices help to re-establish a correct PH ratio.
There are many juice detox plans to follow if you like, but be careful not to do one that promises weight loss. In my opinion, the best ones only last for a day or include a healthy amount of food also.
The best cleansing juices are: apple, grape, grapefruit, lemon, lime, mango, melon, orange, papaya, peach, pear, pineapple, strawberry, watermelon, beetroot, carrot, celery, cucumber, spinach and watercress.
Cantaloupe melon was my breakfast of choice today and I've read that it is best not to mix melon juice with anything else as it is digested quicker that other fruit juices. I juiced half of it and was disappointed with how little liquid that came out! It was a appetising orange colour and did go down fairly easily, although I couldn't drink too much of it because it was very sweet. Rating 3/5

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